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BP Fencing |
![]() Website UpdatesDue to parental orders, this website will no longer be updated. It will still be here, sharing general information about Bethel Park Fencing Club, displaying fun facts about 2003 team members, and entertaining viewers with its music, but it will not have up-to-date stats or calendars. For this information, click here and go to the new website. Thank you for visiting this website! Miniature Golf OutingOn Saturday, August 2, BPFC held its third annual mini-golf outing at Cool Springs. The top three "golfers" scored a 52 and the tie was broken by ranking the best scores on the front or back nine. As a result, Tom Flavin received first place, Karen Vaughn second, and Sean Sriplo third. Further results will be posted soon. After the tournament, the fencers gathered at Kim Krulikowski's house for ice cream and games, such as frisbee and Uno. Thanks go to Kim for a great time! Trip to Cleveland!To commemorate the fact that both varsity squads had a winning season in 2002, the fencing club attended the End of the Season Blowout Tournament in Cleveland, Ohio on June 21. Each one of the participants gained valuable experience, and the directors were impressed with the group's performance. Kim Krulikowski won third in the open sabre competition. Chris Williams won FIRST in the under 16 foil competition, thereby earning an E rating in foil. Chris also tied Matt Bouloubasis's record for most bouts won in an individual event by defeating his opponents 12 times. In addition, Brian Buckley earned an E rating in foil by fininshing 7th in the open foil competition. Congratulations to everyone! After the tournament, the team travelled to The Inn at Six Flags. Here, team members enjoyed arcade games and an indoor pool! At 8 o'clock, everyone gathered for a pizza party and awards ceremony. The awards were as follows:
In the process of calculating these awards, one record was discovered. Karen Vaughn broke Kate Ekmann's 2000 record for fewest average touches per bout in a single season with 2.43. Congratulations to all the award-winners! The following day, the fencers visited Six Flags Worlds of Adventure. Although they had fenced and stayed up late on Saturday, everyone enjoyed the park without mishap, except for a few latecomers to the rondezvous at 5 o'clock. Unfortunately, the writer was unable to travel back to Bethel Park with the team at 9PM. If anyone wants to contribute a description of any events at that time, click here! Any pictures of the trip would be greatly appreciated. Please send them here! The team would like to thank Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Rhoads, and all the participating Tobiases for acting as chaperones at the park. Also, thanks go out to the bus driver Scott for great driving. Finally, thank you Mr. DeLucia for providing the contacts and information for the bus and the hotel!! Because of these people's contributions, the trip to Cleveland was an experience the fencers will not soon forget. To see more news, click here! Club InformationThe Bethel Park Fencing Club will enter its seventh year of operation this winter. Founded in 1997 as a Bethel Park High School club, the Bethel Park Fencing Club has evolved into a fully competitive interscholastic/amateur fencing team. Our fencers have competed in six different states as well as the Federal Republic of Germany, and have had several top-ten finishes in local and regiona competitions in the US and Europe. In addition, several former members of our club are currently fencing for NCAA college programs. BPFC recruits fencers exclusively from among the student body of Bethel Park Senior High School and from Independence Middle School. We are a USFA member club, and BP fencers are encouraged to fence in USFA events at the local, regional and national levels in addition to interscholastic competition. After graduation, fencers are permitted t continue to fence wth the club while in college, provided they maintain a valid USFA membersip and list themselves as members of BPFC on their USFA applications. Note: BETHEL PARK FENCING CLUB IS A COMPETITIVE HIGH SCHOOL TEAM AND IS NOT OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF OTHER SCHOOL DIsTRICTS OR RESIDENTS OF BETHEL PARK WHO ARE NOT IN GRADES 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, OR 12. To learn more about the club, click here. If you
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